IDs | Codings | Numbers

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Date Created: 2020-08-17 | Hits: 21991

Programme Code/ID

A unique code to identify a specific Programme (Previously named as Course), formatted as follows;


AA - Only two characters, Programme ID (from AA to ZZ)

Example: BE for BEd / ME for MEd

Intake Code

A unique code to identify an Intake of a Programme Group, formatted as follows;


AA - First two characters, Programme ID (E.g. PM for PgDEM)
22 - Next two digits, intake year (E.g. 21 for 2021)
BB - Optional two alpha numeric characters for special cases

Example: PM21 / PM21FT

Optional FT for Full Time sub group.

Student Registration Number

A unique ten character code to identify a student in a specific programme, formatted as follows;


AA - First two characters, Programme ID (E.g. BE for BEd)
22 - Next two digits, Intake year (E.g. 19 for 2019)
M - Medium (S-Sinhala, T-Tamil, E-English & F-Foreign Language)
4 - Next digit, the category/stream (from 1 to 9 and A to Z)(0 for none)
5555 - Last four digits for serial number

Example: BE19S10001

Course Code

A unique code to identify a Course (Previously named as Subject) in a specific programme, formatted as follows;


AA - First two letters, Programme ID (E.g. BE for BEd)
2 - Third digit, the stream (from 1 to 9 and A to Z)(0 for none)
3 - Fourth digit, examination Part/Semester (from 1 to 8)(0 for entrance)
4 - Fifth digit for course/paper serial number
5 - Sixth digit for course/paper option (if any else 0)
66 - Optional Credits followed by dash (from 00 to 99)
M - Optional Medium followed by dash (for paper packaging)

Example: BE1120 / BE1120-05 / BE1120-S

Examination Code/ID

A unique code to identify an examination, formatted as follows;


AA - First two characters, Programme ID (E.g. BE for BEd)
22 - Next two digits, examination year (E.g. 19 for 2019)
X - Next character, always X for Examinations
4 - Next digit, is the part or semester (0 for entrance examinations)
BB - Optional two alpha numeric characters for special cases

Example: BE19X1 / PE19X1R2

Results code for examination BE19X1 is BE19R1

Examination Index Number

A unique ten character code to identify a candidate in a specific examination formatted as follows;


AA - First two characters, Programme ID (E.g. BE for BEd)
M - Medium (S-Sinhala, T-Tamil, E-English & F-Foreign Language)
33 - Next two digits, examination year (E.g. 19 for 2019)
44 - Next two digits, are the Examination Center Number (from 01 to 99)
555 - Last three digits for serial number

Example: BES1901001

Results Code/ID

A unique code to identify an results release, formatted as follows;


AA - First two characters, Programme ID (E.g. BE for BEd)
2 - Next two digits, examination year (E.g. 19 for 2019)
R - Next character, always R for Results
4 - Next digit, is the part or semester (0 for entrance examinations)
BB - Optional two alpha numeric characters for special cases, sub releases or amended releases

Example: BE19R1 / BE19R1B

Results code BE19R1 is for examination BE19X1

ExSys User ID

We use Sri Lankan Identification Number (SLIN) - National Identity Card number issued from 1st January 2016 as User ID.

For those who are not yet renewed National Identity Cards, and have old NICs with V/X, ExSys will automatically generate SLIN and use it as your User ID.


For more information, please refer SLIN below.

ExSys User Password

We recommend you to use a Strong Password to protect your account. It should be at-least 8 characters containing Uppercases(A-Z), Lowercases(a-z) and Numbers(0-9). Maximum is 30 characters.

You can use Symbols such as #, $, @, for more security.

Eg: An38Jk62 / a$66Ks83@

Sri Lankan Identification Number (SLIN)

The National Identity Card number issued from 1st January 2016, each new NIC has a unique 12 digit number formatted as follows;


1111 - First four digits, holder's year of birth (E.g. 1965)
222 - Next three digits, number of days in the year of the person's birth. For females, 500 is added
3333 - Next four digits, the serial number
4 - The last digit is the check digit

Example: 196512504538

National Identity Card Number (NIC)

The National Identity Cards issued before 1st January 2016, each NIC has a unique 9 digit number followed by a letter formatted as follows;


11 - First two digits, holder's year of birth (E.g. 1965)
222 - Next three digits, number of days in the year of the person's birth. For females, 500 is added
333 - Next three digits, the serial number
4 - Next digit is the check digit
V/X - The final letter is generally a V or X

Example: 651254538V / 651254538X

Payment Reference Number (PayRef)

The Payment Reference Number is a reference number generated by ExSys system to identify and verify payments. It has unique 12 digit number (UseID/SLIN) followed by two letter classification and a four to eight letter Examination Code or a Intake Code - totally 14 to 22 characters long; formatted as follows;


111111111111 - First twelve digits, candidate's UserID or SLIN (E.g. 196528501234)
AA - Next two digits or letters, payment classification

  • XX - Examination fees
  • UC - User critical data amendment application Fees
  • C1 - Extra Detailed Results Certificate Fees
  • R1 - Registration/Enrollment Fee 1 (First Time) to 2, 3... (Re-registrations)
  • P1 - Programme Fees Instalment 1, 2, 3...

BBBB[BBBB] - Next four to eight digits or letters, the Examination Code or Intake Code

Example: 196528501234XXME21X0 / 196528501234R1ME21

Date Created: 2020-08-17 | Hits: 21991

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