Date Created: 2022-08-14 | Updated: 2023-12-24 | Hits: 4653

Registration for New Programmes' Intakes

New registrations are published on the bottom of the INTAKES/New Enrollments page

Please check whether your profile is up-to-date before completing registration process.

Step 1 - Obtaining Selection Result & Payment Details

  1. Press the green button named My Registration related to programme that you are selected for registration.
  2. Check your information are accordingly.
    (Selected Programme, Study Centre, Medium and Programme Category/Stream if applicable)
  3. Else, Contact Us on 011-7601776-7 and DO NOT continue this process.
  4. Obtain Amount payable and Payment Reference number. (Better to print this information)
    Please note that this unique Payment Reference number is valid for this payment only.
  5. Do the payment with correct Payment Reference Number to People's Bank's Billing Account 066 or press Pay Now button for online Visa or Master Card payments.
    (CDM deposits, Online fund transfers, Swift transfers or any other banks/accounts not allowed)
  6. People's Bank will automatically update your payment within 1 to 5 minutes.

Step 2 - Printing Student Registration Certificate

  1. Visit My Registration page, 5-10 minutes after the payment.
  2. People's Bank will automatically update your payment within 1 to 5 minutes.
  3. Else; You have to contact us on 0117601776/7 for Manual Payment Verification.(Optional)
  4. Obtain your Student Registration Number.
  5. Take a print and keep your Registration Certificate with your Student Registration Number.
  6. Continue to My Enrollment page on INTAKES Section to complete your Programme Fees payments.
View New Registrations ≫

Date Created: 2022-08-14 | Updated: 2023-12-24 | Hits: 4653

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