DA : Diploma in Educational Assessment and Evaluation (DipEduA&E)

Offered by: Director General's Secretariat

Developing formative and summative educational assessment professionals for the 21st century education system.

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Date Created: 2020-12-23 | Hits: 3758

2020 Syllabus | 30 Credits | SLQL 3

Target Group

Principals/Teachers from Government, Semi-government, Private, International school, Pirivena and other educational institutions


officers from SLEAS, SLTES, ISAs and Staff officers of NIE


Developing formative and summative educational assessment professionals for the 21st century education system.


A candidate should;

  1. have passed in GCE Advanced Level with three subjects at one sitting, and
  2. be a Principal/Teacher from Government, Semi-government, Private, International school, Pirivena and other educational institutions


be an officer from SLEAS, SLTES, ISAs and Staff officers of NIE

Any other qualifications accepted by the council of the NIE

Programme Structure

The programme of study will consist of 30 credits including academic and practical components offered by the NIE as specified by the rules and regulations to award the Diploma in Educational Assessment and Evaluation.

The teaching methodologies are accomplished by a set of activities based on learning together with 40% face to face contact sessions and 60% online teaching. This includes pedagogical approaches and also problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning, outcome-based learning, individualized learning and discovery methods.

Programme Streams or Categories

0 - None


Course duration is 12 months and maximum of 60 months.


Application Fee: Rupees 1,200.00

Entrance Exam/Test Fee: Rupees 0.00

Registration Fee: Rupees 2,000.00

Programme Fee: Rupees 50,000.00 in 1 Instalment(s).

Examination Fees: In addition candidates have to pay examination fees when appling examinations.

Programme Coordinators


Mrs. I. P. Perera

Mobile: +94779531332
Email: indra_pathmini@yahoo.com

National Coordinator | Coordinator

Mr. E. M. Y. Sachith

Mobile: +94718062231
Email: planningdep@nie.edu.lk


Date Created: 2020-12-23 | Hits: 3758

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