DS : Diploma in Sign Language (DSL)

Offered by: Faculty of Teacher Education and Alternative Education

This course which belongs to the category SQF 03 comprising 30 credits, designed with the objective of providing a broad knowledge of sign language used in Sri Lanka

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Date Created: 2019-09-24 | Updated: 2023-10-21 | Hits: 9016

2014 Syllabus | 30 Credits | SLQL 3

Target Group

The main Aim of this course is the development of the competencies and the provision of the necessary knowledge to teachers involved in teaching sign language and its effective use to Hearing Impaired children as well as teachers expecting to teach in sign language and to relevant professionals.


  • Identifying the child’s Hearing problems and problems of children with hearing Impaired Needs.
  • Using Sing Language along with other methods of communication in day to day life as well as for teaching purposes.
  • Acquisition of the ability in the use of Sign Language meaningfully with individuals with hearing impairment.
  • Provision of practical training in the use of Sign Language in teaching children with Hearing impairment.
  • Demonstrate personal and professional Development through analysis and reflection.
  • Learn the principles and ethics of Language translation.
  • Providing guidance to conduct research in areas of education, social, relation ships cultural activities etc.
  • Increasing awareness about equipment related to Hearing Impairment, their operation and their maintenance.
  • Creating opportunities to understand the translation of Sign Language to language.
  • Development of positive attitudes towards Sign Language.


Those with the qualifications below are entitled to apply for enrolment

  • has passed at the G.C.E.(A/L) Examination
  • and is a teacher in an approved Government school/Pirivena
  • or is employed in a school/institute/department for children with special needs
  • or is a Teacher Educator in a National College of Education/Teachers’ College/Teachers’ Center
  • or is an officer in the Sri Lanka Education Administrative/Principals’ Service
  • or is a member of the Academic staff of an Education Institute.
  • and should not have exceeded 55 years of age by the day the applications close

While applications will be invited through a news paper advertisement, participants on the course will be selected through an interview.

Programme Structure

The present-day world has accepted that education is a Right of everybody. The Dakha Declaration on Education for All (2002), the Act on the Rights of Individuals with Disabilities (1996), the Salamanca Convention on Inclusive Education (1994) and universal conventions like the universal Declaration on Education for all (1990) as well as the local policies and rules and regulations etc like the New Education Reforms (1997) are examples of these. Apart from these the implication of the concept of Inclusive Education accepted the world over is the provision of educational facilities to all the children irrespective of strength or weaknesses.

This course which belongs to the category SQF 03 comprising 30 credits, designed with the objective of providing a broad knowledge of sign language used in Sri Lanka is a part-time (weekend) one (01) year program. While the academic component of the course will be provided at the National Institute of Education, arrangements have been made to conduct its practical sessions at external institutes. This course will be conducted through two weekends every month.

Programme Streams or Categories

1 - Diploma Certificate

2 - Advanced Certificate


Course duration is 12 months and maximum of 60 months.


Application Fee: Rupees 200.00

Entrance Exam/Test Fee: Rupees 0.00

Registration Fee: Rupees 1,000.00

Programme Fee: Rupees 40,000.00 in 2 Instalment(s).

Examination Fees: In addition candidates have to pay examination fees when appling examinations.

Programme Coordinators

National Coordinator | Coordinator

Mr. P. H. S. P. Dias
Coordinator (DSL) / Senior Lecturer
Department of Inclusive Education
National Institute of Education
Maharagama 10280

Mobile: +94754841970
Email: signnie17@gmail.com
Office: +94117601656


Date Created: 2019-09-24 | Updated: 2023-10-21 | Hits: 9016

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